On 14/8/08 I receive a brochure of Domino Pizza offers along with Times of India paper. In that there was a combo offer of 4 veg pizza for Rs.180+tax. Next day on 15/8/08, I ordered the same. However I was shocked to hear them say it will cost Rs200+tax!!!!! and that the brochure price was not correct. Since the brochure was newly delivered the previous day, obviously it was not a expired one. Since we had not prepared any lunch, I had no option but to go ahead with the order.
This is false advertisement and case of cheating by Dominos. This seems to be rampant I guess in Pizza business, because I just saw the movie "Bheja Fry" last evening where the actor Rajat Kapoor was frustrated with misleading offers while ordering his pizza.....!!!
I have of course decided against going ahead with any future order with Dominos. In fact this was the first time I ordered with them. I was always getting pizzas from Pizza hut.