Attached is the screenshot of the receipt of order placed today which clearly shows my address how ever the store claims that I never entered my address while ordering and cancelled my order when I refused to give them the same...... Pathetic.
The reason of me refusing to give my address is that it is not the 1st time time of this issue however since 26th November 2012 the system has issue of not sending my address to the store (GURGAON DLF INFINITY).... Almost 21 orders placed since 26th November and every time complained the issue so the same could be resolved however seems DOMINOS focus is to keep getting the orders and not the resolve the issues highlighted.
How much time does it take to check the issue and resolve it. 6 months passed and still the shameless team sitting on the issue and to top it the store (GURGAON DLF INFINITY) team blames the customer of nit entering the address and cancelling the order....