Dominos, Pizza Hut, and all the many other Pizza Franchises,
That we have here in the United States....
They are really all very much the same.
I dont really think that any one of them
is much better than the any other one..
Pizza was first developed many many years ago,
in Italy.
The Italian Housewife was short of provisions,
and needed to feed her family,
She would always have ingredients to make a simple crust,
She then would spread some of her own Tomato sauce,
and improvise, throw on a little cheese and cook!
Pizza was a simple food when she didnt have much else!
Today, if you visit Italy, Pizza is not as popular
as it is in America..
And it is not the same as we make it!
New York is the BEST place to sample American Pizza..
I know most Americans think, that New Yorkers,
think everything is the best from New York..
But so many Italians came to N.Y and brought
their fabulous culinary skills with them..
The Best Pizza will always be found in a Real Pizza Shop/Restaurant!
Sorry Folks if you dont have any
Italian Style, Pizza Restaurants....
Then Dominos, and Pizza Hut will have to do...
They are not so bad, some of the time..
Its the same with Hamburgers, you cannot compare
A Home cooked burger on the Grill,
or a Burger cooked fresh, in a Diner.(Cafe)
with a Burger from McDonalds, or Burger King.
They are not as good, but will do in a pinch...