Dominos Pizza
Pizza is necessary a meal by itself and Dominos positions itself as a pizza delivery chain. Their focus is to push orders through phone and they do not market themselves as a family place to visit.
Products available at Dominos The 14’ Dominator, Thin Crust, Thick Crust, normal pizza, Deep-dish pizza, Hand tossed and other promotional pizzas from time to time.
Verdict Please graphically animate the crunch of the pizza in your mind that you would like to order. I mean if you wanna have more of bread and less of toppings then try the thin crust pizza. If you would like to have more of fillings and less of bread then try the deep dish. If you are uncertain, let the ordertaker present you with more options.
Sizes The pizza from Dominos comes in different sizes 8, 10 , 12 and 14 inches sizes
Verdict The sizes are ok and they are large enough for people to suffice their appetite. It is recommended that you take an opinion from the order taker by telling your sizes and the hunger factor to arrive at the right combination and to ensure that you are still HUNGRY KYA? even after finishing your pizzas.
Toppings Meat and vegetables One gets to choose the option from a Vegetarian and a non-vegetarian offering. The toppings are nothing unusual, but you have the option of meat (chicken, beef, ham, salami and Pepperoni) and vegetarian (Cheese, cottage cheese, capsicum, tomatoes, corn, onion etc.)
My verdict The topping is too less. I mean, for the price that I pay for the pizza I think, a generous dollops topping should help in creating high satisfaction factor for gluttons like me. I can count the pepperoni pieces on the top. For god’s sake keep and open hand on the pepperoni sprinkler.;)
Bread Base The bread base is a mix of wheat and corn flour. Most of them is classic hand tossed and is made to ISO standards.. blah blah..J.
Verdict Bread base depends upon the product you order from Dominos. The bread base is known to be fine and does not easily give into the moisture.
Cheese Quality The cheese that they use, does not look like an authentic Italian Parmesan cheese but at least they claim to be using parmesan.
Verdict The cheese helpings are not generous and we will lead a delegation to Sonia Gandhi to ask Dominos to get in authentic Parmesan cheese ;)
Sauces You get an assortment of tomato sauce, white sauce and Indian sauce whatever ingredients that your order demands for.
Verdict Sauces are nothing to die for. They are simple and nothing great that gives the pizza a unique appeal.
Side orders You have options of having twisty bread with a cheesy dip mayonnaise, some desserts and till sometime back they had chicken wings and fries. They also worked with concepts of Hot Samosas, but then why wud I buy a samosa from dominos for 50 odd bucks?
Verdict The cheesy dip is good. Always order 2-3 extra to go along with your pizza. Samosas and desserts can be avoided. Chicken wings are yum too, but they have been pretty inconistent with the cooking in the past. Desserts are ok too.
Combo orders Dominos give you a lot of options for combination orders. They will throw in a Coke and side orders free, depending upon the billing that you run up on the call.
Verdict This combo orders are generally on the higher side. It is only if you have the necessary quorum for pizza eating, then only go in for such order.
Presentation The presentation temperature and visual appeal is mostly good.
Verdict Good.
Packaging The packaging is nice one and the pizzas come in corrugated branded flat boxes. The pizza is delivered in special thermal boxes, which keeps the pizza warm if not hot.
Verdict Good
Pricing The entry-level pizza starts from 50 or 60 INR. The pricing also goes upto 399 for a Dominator 14 inch meat extravaganza.
Verdict The pricing is way too high. The pricing does not work out in many households who would like to spend that kind of money especially on a food for which they did not even have to go out. I mean the concept of eating out today is still identified with going out on an evening.
Quality The quality of the meat, vegetables, sauce, bread etc is perfectly acceptable.
Variety The basic product they are selling is pizza. So you will get X pizza , Y pizza and Z pizza. Bu t you will only get a pizza:D. In pizzas they have interesting variations, but mostly they are play around of the base, sauce amd toppings
Service The service is good. Mostly it is good I shud say. They promise to deliver your pizza free, if they do not deliver in 30 minutes and mostly it is that indeed they deliver. The dominos near moy house is just 5 minutes away, so however late that delivery guy starts from his shop, he always makes it in 30 minutes
The service staff is courteous and are shrewd upsellers, so be careful of what you want and your budget too;)
Close competitiors Pizza hut, Pizza Express, Pizzeria, Smokin joes etc. and many others small time players
Competition wise I think the Dominos pizza has been quite standard and they have stuck to the basic product despite of some people not accepting the blandness of their pizza. On the price front, there are other alternatives available to the people, so only loyalist stick around.
Best buy Go in for the Dominator 14’ Meatzza. This pizza has a variety of meat toppings and makes life worth living for:X. it has thin crust too.
Also do not forget to have your extra cheesy dips, which are just 10 bucks/25 cents per cup.
Chicken wings and desserts can also be tried out.