Dominos. what to say about it. Obviously I selected this website to place online order. the prices are touching the sky. if common man wants to take there taste buds into a different world with dominos products, they will have to pay half of their savings.
I had faced a lot of issue with this online site. first of all, the products are not being added to the cart, its a strange problem. user interface is only the best part of this website and rest all others are worst.
Next issue is with the coupons, applying coupon is a great issue here. despite the cart having products worth 600 above, when applying coupon thee pop up says please add products worth 350 Its a lot of cheating done here. coupon is tried only 4 times, but they say tried 10 plus times, try again after 10 minutess.
Needs to bee improved otherwise it will loose its value in the websites space.