Please read my earlier post to get the background at:
Anyway here is a gist:
I had been ordering Dominos for quite some time and they had been perpetually sending it late. And after the third time, they refused to make it free, first lying that it is restricted zone. When I challenged it saying that it is shown on their map and also that they had honored their tall claim two times earlier. Then they said that they do not make it free after 3 times.
Anyways, I wrote to the Dominos consumer cell about this problem. After around 10 days (it takes 10 days for them to get to reply to a mail - wow - how many complaints do they get, man? ), I get a reply from someone there saying that I should mention my name, telephone number and the franchisee involved, failing which they cannot decide on the case.
I promptly sent the requested information. It is almost 4 months - I am yet to get a response from them. They amaze me - I think they take 30 months to take action.
I am enjoying Pizza Hut more these days ....