Iam not going to compare the soundtrack with the original which I feelis a waste of time and unnecessary. So my opinion is purely based onhow well these songs would gel as a soundtrack with the movie. From thelook and feel of the movie (in trailers) the songs would surely be anapt score for the movie. It seems Farhan has asked SEL not to use anylive instruments. All the songs have heavy thumping beats and lot oftechno sounds added to it. But these layering of sounds are done withsuch finesse that they don’t sound noisy and make us feel irritated.SEL has added notes to even these synth sounds thereby changing thesound of just a sound into sound of music.
“Kaike Paan Banaraswala” shines mainly because of Udit’s brilliant singing in a local dialectwith lot of expressions. SEL manages to strike a balance between oldand new sound by shifting between the Dholak’s and e-beats for therhythm. Especially the dholak’s played when Udit sings ‘Kaike’ cannotbe replaced by any modern beat with the same effect. “ Yeh Mera Dil” is a sample of how remixes should be done by just replacing theinstruments in the original with appropriate modern synth sounds ande-beats. Good thing about the song is that they have retained thestrings that run in the background of the song which is the soul forsuch songs made in those times. Sunidhi has done a good job but I wouldstill prefer Ashaji. She still has got that pep in her voice.