Sharukh is compeletely unfit for that role, their was no original acting, everything looks like drama. his acting becomes original in last fefteen minits of the movie. His attitude of being top actor is heading heading before him., Over reacted in the movie. He has not given that talented acting, in my eyies Anilkapoor, amir khan, salman etc are talented actors who can perform any type of role, Sharukh as a don or gagster never, he is good for rols like he did in Darr, DDLG......etc,
priyanka is beatifull in the movie and I love her for that, she has done very good acting, she is shinig now. she has very bright carrier, Her time started now. she has some ten movies to make... I mean stil ten movies wil be super hit.
Malayshia is shown very nicely in the movie, it is really great. the buildings and photography is fine...