All chamchas/fans who says not to compare Farhan’s Don withoriginal Don stay away from this article as comparison is inevitable whey youmake/market a remake of a film…
Coming straight to point, here is what went wrong with DONRemake:
- Shahrukh Khan: Abhishek Bacchan could have done some damage control.but with a crap product, good that he has no association. SRK has no screenpresence at all
Plot: the movie is not for todays viewers,
right from the start Don-Remake tries hard to convince the audiencethat this film is just a remake of original right from dialogue to characternames. But just before interval when audience is convinced that they have wastedmore than an hour watching a poor reconstruction of original DON, the directordecides to put in the new age formula of twists...
TWISTS ??? why because the audience who have already watched Don-original arenow convinced that the same crap will continue till end and suddenly there istwist!!
Why would Wardhaman/DSP plant Vijay in his own Gang?? All thecharacters are doing the things roundabout instead of taking straight forwardapproach. that makes no sense.....
lets observe the very basic element here, when SRK-Don realizes that there isconspiracy of his look alike informer in the form of Vijay is planned byDSP. his reaction would naturally be to kill Vijay and put himself at hisposition. Purpose?
his purpose would be to get out of police custody and reach his gang members. Right?
My million dollar question is when Don is back into his gang as Don himself, why he decides to continue with the drama??
this is the biggest flaw as a plot... it defies the sole purpose/objective ofthe lead character...his objective has now become to confuse audience.
what is his purpose of what he is doing...
SRK-Don is back in his Gang and continues to play the screenplay of originalDon, why? just because in the end he has to give a twist that Vijayscharacter is not there for more than 10 minutes. its surely one of a Fcukallscript I have ever seen in my life. and heck people says dont compare withoriginal?
I agree, how the hell can you compare a crap/trash/shit to a cult classic???
If its the Money which was the motive behind making this film by cashing on theBrand name of original?? well the team should be sued for this product...
I dont believe I am writing reviews for this crap...
I am just hoping that there should be some kind of insurance for the time and moneywe waste on such crap films.
the content space is precious , the filmmakers should fillit only with good films, Farhan and team should have shot this movie andpost it on instead of theatre release, probably I could have givenhim rating of three for a amateurish project.
I don’t know if there is any rating Zero available for suchkind of film
Welcome Creative Bankruptcy…