Yes in this world if something comes, it is never 100% white nor black. The same is with this replica of 70s classic of Amitabh Bachchan, who created a character almost real, , called Don..out of simple human being with same kind of flesh and blood as we have. This man was dangerous and invincible still. He used to speak less and was great observer..and of course he did know very well saving himself without doing any extra-guman superman deeds neither he ever needed any class to do bungijumping thinking that someday he would need that too!
This don was like a sharp arrow, in the cover of simple human being, who was killed in a chase and was successfully replaced by a bihari singer who looked alike him and was jovial and simple guy with not much expectations from life.
The two different characters with very contrast was played with full restrain and same time with dynamism. No overshow of energy. Dons grace was full ( the grace is even well reflected in smallest scene like Don amitabh wearing his shoes during the song ye mera dil), his admiration for smart girls and his raunchyness for sex bombs..all with very exact level of emotions and no over display of energy and expression..which Mr. Shahrukh Khan is habituated of and did with this one again. He literally sabotaged the image of Don and ended himself with nowhere. He represented his Don as a caricature from some comic book, who had got high level of motion instability and redundancy. And when he started playing the jovial Vijay, it was just like concealing your torned nickker in public place..kind of performance...this man just unable to perform. The cosmo look was just apparent on his mannerism and attire....and he failed miserably to understand and fathom both the characters.
Heriones in this movie looked like just cutouts of some sleek models which one finds on the white walls of a bachelors hostel rooms. Alone and for no reason! But still making their presence felt for nothing. Priyanka Chopra supplimented SRK very well in the terms that she macthed the dresses and style of SRK and equally matched his poor display of understanding of the the character.
Karina Kappor is on the verge of being declared a her thighs in the song ye mera dil. Boman Irani and Ompuri kind of artists looked like they were part of some nonesense project and just they need to take money when it finishes.
The only plus point of the movie is specal attention over slick presentation, superb cinematography and dresses which still dont make shahrukh khan more stylish than what amitabh had looked in the original just of the strength of mannerism and performance. There are certain bungi jumping appu columbus stuff which children would like. Sometimes the movie looks like copied from matrix some times borrowed from archies galleries.
The Songs department is among the worst and simple remixed of original and even made worst. Khaike pan banaraswallah is there and there you will exactly get the chance to catch the silly actor in shahrukh khan, , , who goes overboard thinking that this song was just matter of overshow if nergy and in doing this he looks no lesser than a chimp. just open your media player and watch both the songs parallel. Even after being so glossy and soaked with money the soul of every deprtemtn of this movie is missing.
Those who are yelling here that dont compare it with older Don adn this don is different..are just creep nonesense. This movie is fully and shamelessly copied and void of any creativity. They have added just a change which isthe suspenese of the movie and when you know that suspense you will find ur shoes missing in the hall. In fact this movie is biggest example to cite the difference in screenplay made when the story is same..and what one needs to become a good scriptwriter and screenplay director after doing comparative study over the classic don and crap don.
Farhaan Akhtar looks to be cocooned in a particular pattern of movie making..a misguided youth coming back to responsibility, , which is his own story..and he has movied not a single inch ahead of that..and just due to pressure to perform and prove he did this mistake with Shahrukh Khan to copying a classic called Don..whose character is perhapsven stronger than Farhan and Shahrukh, both. I mean if you go to villages nd towns, , people ther will recognise Don more than Shahrukh. they have already a strong impression of Don which they used to watch on halls and thier TVs. They better connect to the older Don, who is just from some other world and does something which has psychological disordered logics.
And this is the biggest thing which has reflected in the box office collection of Don...where Don has been declared a flop in India. The story goes like this:
On Deepwali three movies were released. Don, JaneMan and Ganga a bhojpuri movie ( AB and Hemas first Bhojpuri movie). Nobody ever thought about Ganga and just though that it was mainly between hindi movies. On Deepawali and Eid they did huge business. Monday of Don falls to nadir, almost zero display and easily availabel tickets, Janeman hangs steady, and tickets of Ganga all over India booked for housefull for coming 1 week.
Shahrukh Khan has reached the terminal of his sagging carrier with no hit for past few years and all money earned from overseas market. Don is now a declared flop in India with no takers in entire eastern and central zone. Its business has been very good in hindi movie starved NRI world at USA and Austrelia. But hindustaan me Don banne ka sapna choor ho gaya inka. A simple bhojpuri movie with better content made Don to bite dusts on Indian boxoffice. After all there are few things to which Indians are very emotional and these neo creative idiots from moviedom should know and the attachment and sentiment of people with Amitabh Bachchan and his mvoies like Don. May be some people are here who love to argue endlessly to tell that truth is not truth and lie is truth. well let them continue but they too know whats the truth.
You can have look over the following links:, 001100030009.htm
Anyway, at last I will say that the public has already given their verdict in strong way and have asked farhaan Akhtar and Shahrukh Khan in return that:
" Arrey Deewano Pehle Pehchano Kaun Hai Don!".
Afterall days of idiots are out and people have learnt to tell what is good and what is not.
Still you wish to stay ignorent, you can find words for ursefl. Wait and watch for the better movies who r coming this november and december.