Before I start this review "I am a Big Fan of Shahrukh"
Don(2006) - A tribute to the original Don (1978)
Lets Just analyse why the earlier film was a Hit(Definatly not a legend like Sholay\Deewar)
The character Don Played by the Gr8 Amitabh had a multifaceted character.
It required an actor who would do justice to the script by his charisma and also by his acting skills.
The Panache with Amitjis delivered his dialogs like "Don ko pakdna muskil hi nahi na mumkin hai" made most of the dialogs memorable.
Now here Don-2006 , Shahrukh tries in vain to match up with Amitji .In fact he fails in every aspect.The Banarasi role played by Shahrukh
will make one wonder , WHAT is the Difference betn a south Indian chewing a pan and a Banarasi.
When I as kid watched Don, After the movie I was craving for a Pan and I did change my hindi accent for atleast a couple of weeks.
But today after the Don-2006, I like couldnt even remember Sharukh chewing pan.
Don-1978 white suits did create fashion statement then and now Sharukhs Designer Shirts will definately create a Fashion wave now.
Ya , thats what u will remember after the movie abt Our Khan.
Side actor - Pran --ahahah -What an actor was he.He did deliver some memorable dialogs .Can somebody forget his circus stunts .Yup were
these were shown as an precursor to why pran was selected for that theft.
Now here we have Arjun Rampal ... An actor \model without a emotion on the screen.Now here he is cast as a Software Engineer , who delivers
software security locks.Now HOW A SOFTWARE ENGINEER could jump down a building , use the rope to climb down\when he masters the art of
cutting glass in midair \ how he avoids banks sensors left to viewers choice.
Now how could one muster up a joke , when ur put in a coffin for torture is a question I have for Mr.Rampal .
Character "deepu" lacks spine and most of the dialogs are emotion less .Its clear he is some star son and hence in the movie.
Now for better things :
Boman ...He has acted well with lot of autenticity and brings in some life to the movie.
Put some how he does not match up with our late iftikar Saheb. The stern face of his conviced us abt he being a DCP ..falana-2
Roma - Ms.Chopra has acted well .But she does not look as Tough\ravishing\sexy as our Zeenat.
kamini-Kareena is role is as brief in the movie as in my review :-)no futher detailed required.
Finally - I am sure Farhan was sleeping \out of his mind when making this movie .
After delivering goods in DCH, laksya ... he has miserably failed this time.
Time for him to TAKE A LONG BREAK.
yes , this diwali is damper with no major hit :-(((((