Let me make two things absolutely clear first.
1) I am not SRK basher. In fact I liked him in Kabhi Ha Kabhi Na & Bazigar
2)I am not the purist who doesnt like any attempt to remake old classics.
So on last Sunday I went to saw the movie DON alogwith my six family members (includes my wife, bro, sis, mother & father) with a open mind. Except my wife & sister, we four have seen old DON starring AB earlier.
All of us agreed that new DON is horrible after The End and four of us were quite sure that old DON was much better than this new one. Why? I will share few reasons...
1)In old DON story is neatly packed with scope for all the main charactors like AB, Zeenat, Pran, Inftekhar and even Om shiv Puri making an impact. Old DON was very well written and well executed movie which is really a thriller without any suspense and without being loud.
Compare this to new DON- No character is given good scope except SRK. So we all forget these people once we are out of cinema theatre. New Don is very sleek but very loud too. Till intervel you get the feeling that story is not well executed. After interval even though there are few twists, movie is plain boring. You starts checkin your wristwatch again and again and wonder when this all will be over.
2)Big difference is between AB and SRK. SRK may be todays superstar but he doesnt stand anywhere near AB in terms of pure acting, AB is miles ahead. ABs don looked like a true don without being too loud, with subtle underplay where SRK is typecast, loud and predictable.Remember SRK in asoka...he looked SRK insted of the great asoka in that movie....same thing happened here...in order to better AB as a DON, he has overacted or rather over louded the role...he is pathetic in other role too...I think he should stick to his lover boy image clearly no one can eat Banarasi Pan like AB..
Note the difference between two actors when they say those immortal dialogs...AB is just perfect with voice modulation, intensity where as SRK is plain loud....
Clearly AB is the far better than SRK in terms of acting. I dont think any new actor can eassy roles like Trishul, Don, Sharabi , Agneepath like AB did.
I always try to find time to watch old DON on TVs even after watching it 5-6 times.
I dont think I will go to watch this new DON even if you buy my ticket in a swanky multiplex....