When Farhan Akhtar wrote the script, did he not think that the audience would have several questions after movie ends such as: How does DeSilva know Vijay? How does Vijay learn Don’s mannerisms and how does know martial arts? Wouldn’t simpleton Vijay be scared to jump out of a plane?
There are glaring loopholes in the screenplay and you just cant overlook them. Like, for instance, how does SRK kill Kareena when the fact remains that he himself admits that there arent any bullets in his gun? In the second hour, the murder of Rajesh Khattar [Dons boss] gives an impression that its childs play to eliminate a drug baron. Above all, as shown in first half.. Don being hard and naive..and then after seeing something unexpected at the end of Don replacing himself with Vijay.. how can he be little softer at heart for eg. for the child named Dipu? How did he turn into a good guy who has heart for a girl.
Frankly, this looks like a desi James Bond saga. Though SRK does very well as Don. He enacts the evil character with flourish. But he fails to carry off the other role [Vijay] with conviction. It looks made up, it doesnt come natural to him at all. In short, sometimes a weak film weaves magic at the box-office. DON is one of those! The Don of the 21st century is stylish with flaws. the new DON is body beautiful, minus soul. The new version is a hundred times more stylish, but how about a riveting script, Mr. Director?