Competition they say improves performance. But in todays cut-throat competitive world of Electronic media Doordarshan true to its name has been far from view. What prompted me to write this review is the Review of Day on Doordarshan. I should agree that the review itself is well written but I dont agree with the five star classification given to DD. The reasons are as follows.
Firstly, I have to admit that DD is our National channel and that it reaches more homes in India than probably all other private channels put together. It also probably carries the most public interest messages. I also have to agree that the logo of DD and its slogan are pretty impressive as the author of the review of the day puts it. But wide reach, a good logo, slogan should not be the only reasons for a channel to be rated as excellent or best. Quality than quantity matters.
Lets look at the drawbacks. DD perhaps has the worst NEWS program amongst the leading Indian channels. I will not question the fact that some of DDs News casters are the best in the world in their diction and vocabulary. But most of them come across as stiff, upright and unemotional. The old school of thought might still believe that NEWS is a serious issue and that a robotic presentation of it reflects impartiality. Not true at all in my opinion. NEWS is about what happens around us Humans and to there is no reason to be detached while presenting it. A small quote, a limerick or an anecdote that improves the way the news is presented will not kill the news at least in my view. Also speaking of impartiality, I dont know of many people who think DD is an impartial NEWS caster. Most people whom I know, subscribe to the view that DD sometimes is used as the propaganda vehicle for the ruling party at the centre. The Prasar Bharathi bill to make DD more autonomous has not taken off at all.
The focus on any electronic media has to be information, entertainment, and education. Information as in NEWS I have mentioned above. Think of education on DD the first thing that comes to mind is UGC programmes( do they still air them..?). Unquestionably they are educational but are they really watchable...just compare them with educational features on Discovery and National Geographic channels. In todays world teachers (I am one amongst them) are trying to make class rooms as entertaining as possible and we have a channel thats broadcasting educational programmes that make u feel you feel you are in a boring classroom. About entertainment the less said the better. The pre-competitive period DD I remember aired a few memorable programmes that catered to a wide section of the audience. Programs like Chitrahaar, Nukkad, Hum Log, Buniyaad, Karamchand, Bharat-Ek Khoj, Aiysa Bhi Hota Hain and some western re-runs like LUCY, DiDis Comedy show, Different Strokes etc still form a part of my nostalgic remembrances of my childhood. But DD today is a sad reflection of its past. Refusing to break new grounds is probably its worst ailment.
A passionate cricket fan that Iam I often pray that India play more matches overseas ( though they end up losing most away matches) just because matches in India are by default covered by DD Sports and OH my God what a difference from the coverage offered by ESPN or Star Sports or for that matter a new entrant like SET MAX. If cricket is bad the coverage of other sports like football, Davis Cup tennis and many a national level tournaments is even worse. The Video, Audio and the commentary ( slightly better in the case of English cricket commentary, hindi cricket commentary is still bad)are all pretty sad. Iam told that DD charges the highest rates for advertisements( I must admit that Iam not 100% sure about this). But if this is true then these revenues arent reflected in the programming quality.
I agree with the author of the review of the day, that one of the most serious problems facing DD is its vast management and political interference but that cannot condone poor quality. How can I choose a bad product and rate it as excellent just because I know what are the reasons for it being bad..? DD has not attempted to change itself according to changing times. It still lives on its glorious( if it can be considered glorious that is) past. Unless there is a serious effort to improve its programming and probably revamp its whole profile DD will not go any where from here.
As a patriotic Indian though, I will continue to wish for a day when I wake up to the soul stirring signature tune of DD, watching with admiration the DD Logo as it floats around the TV screen to finally stop at the center and read with pride the DD slogan Satyam Shivam Sundaram as I eagerly await the programs to begin.....not because its my National Channel but because it has by then become the Best Channel available to me.