Doraemon is the most popular cartoon charactor in kids. Doraemon is a robot with amazing gadgets. But the story is about a boy named NOBITHA. Nobitha is the laziest boy but he has the smartest robot Doraemon. Nobitha dont wants to do any work. he tooks help from Doaremon all the time. All the charactors are good like Doaremon, Nobitha, Suzuka, Jian, Soniyo, Degisuki, and Jacko. Infact Nobithas parents and Jians Mother is also hilarious. And the Hindi songs are also good and kids use to sing. Doraemon, Sabka yeh dulara hai, hai bada hi pyara Doraemon. and the most popular Main hoon Jian, main hoon bada takatwar, Mera gana hai bahut surila.