Doraemon is a very famous cartoon which comes on Hungama and disney channel and it is very popular among the children as well as adults.Doraemon is a cat-like robot of the 22nd century. Doraemon comes to the present age to help Nobita. Doraemon has a four-dimensional pocket which holds a lot of gadgets. He loves eating dora cake and dislikes mice. .
This cartoon shows the story of friend circle of Nobita, Suzuka, Jiyaan and Suniyo. Mostly it is about the life of Nobita Nobi. In a typical story Doraemon uses a gadgets to solve a problem for Nobita, but Nobita goes too far and ends up being punished and learning a lesson.
I am watching this cartoon since last 7 years, While watching this cartoon I enjoy very much, even My family also like this cartoon very much.While watching this cartoon My mood get relaxed.I am sure Once you see Doraemon episode, You will be eager to see the next episode.I also like Doraemon Starting song very much "Zindagi sawar doo ik nayi bahaar doo" and ending song "Jine ka sahi dhang sikhe ham iske sang" and I can sing this full song.Doraemon is shown in many countries and a local translation is published in each Asian country such as Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea and Vietnam.
Doraemon sab ka dost hai Bacho ka bhi aur badho ka bhi.