As we all know Dostana deals with gay relations in a humorous way. I think it is going to set a trend where such relations will be safely explored in a comedy genre.It is al ways safe to set a trend in comedy.
I strongly believe that movies can change societys perspectives. choosing relations is a personal choice but people forget this and dont accept choices. They turn critical and their unacceptance makes people choose for happiness in a secret manner.
When leading actors play the role of gays and when the movie is made by commercial filmmakers it definetely sets a trend.
Infact what I like is the way the character played by Priyanka chopra accepts the gay relation and still makes John and Abhishek her best friends.
How many of us will be willing to have a a gay as a best friend?
I am not a fan of Karan Johars productions but this time, though the film has its drawbacks I still encourage it and hope it succeeds. It will change our mindset and make us love people for what they give us or how they are with us rather than judging them for their personal choice and denying acceptance.
Just because such relations were not known in the past doesnt mean they should be ridiculed now.
Live and let live. Dont lose out on genuine friends based on preconceived notions.
In the near future many films will be made on the lines of Dostana and I am sure peoples mindset will gradually change for the better. This is the positive side of emulating celebrities!