As already Bhaneef has already listed out the advantages and disadv. of the inkjet and dotmatrix printers, I wont tell it all over again. I will give only the basic difference between them and they are listed below with the basic principle of their working.
In dot matrix printing one character is sent to the printer at a time. Each character is a matrix of some dots.These dots are a result of striking pins located at the tip of print head. hence, the name dot matrix.
Each char. is a matrix of some dots(pts.). The dots on a particular column, of this character matrix, are printed, when the activated pins of the print head hit that column.After that the print head moves to the next column and pin strikes it. Here the dots of this column are printed and this is continued until all char. are printed.
though they are available cheap in market they have many disadv. like poor quality printing. Can be used at places where bulk printing is done like in bills etc. it saves them heavy printer ink cost.
These are non impact printers.most affordable color printers available compared to laser etc.
Inkjet printers use ink filled catridges and tiny nozzles to spray ink onto the paper in a series of dots that make characters and graphics. Here high resolution(not quite as high as laser jet) and colour printouts can be obtd.
So it is upto u now to decide whether to go for inkjet or for dotmatrix. Well to say in short my opinion- inkjet rulez most places whatever the application. && dotmatrix printers are out of fashion and for domes. purposes go for inkjet printers and go only for those highly recommended ones.