My child has been going to Dots since a while but I am not happy due to certain reasons:
They are getting too commercial and arrange all their events on weekdays. It is very hard for working parents to be able to be present during all their functions and as a result we miss on a lot of our childs happy moments
They children who pass out of Dots face issues adjusting to other schools as their basics do not align with non-montessori schools
They ask little 2-3-4 year olds to go back home if they are late- Dont they realize the psychological effect of such denial on a little child? I think they should consult an expert here. There are children who are really sensitive and at that tender age, being sent back home/ not being allowed to attend school can be traumatic
Some teachers use rude language that reflects directly on the childs vocabulary
There have been instances where they have offered food to kids on newspaper- Absolutely unaceptable