I have placed a prepaid order to Infibeam an order for antivirus CD on 19-06-2015 with order ID No.16209756 and order No.25654886 and the supplier booked the item through DotZot on 22-7-2015 with tracking ID 700002139523.
The item received in vIJAYAWADA ON 29-06-2015 it self and the Vijayawada is not a distant place and it is in 200KMs only from our place i.e. Rajahmundry.
The item reached on 2nd July 2015 i.e. they took 4 days time to reach Rajahmundry(The place of delivery). After receipt of consignment to delivery station after completion of 5days the item not yet delivered to me . It is also not known where the item is lying.
Even after sending the mails for 4 times, for one mail some one responded and assured its delivery on the next day it self and after that 3days lapsed, the item not yet delivered. I made complaint about this to the on-line supplier iINFIBEAM. They also not taking any interest for its delivery. What made the supplier keep quite.