It was a great experience when I used first time, which no other product gave.
It was Breakage therapy shampoo..
Considering that there must not be any specific difference in this shampoo than other, I just purchased 1 pounch thinking...lets see...
But to my surprise, it gave great smoothness & softness to my hair.
Although my hair are silky, this made them supple too...
Afterwards I purchased a bottle, on which I am happy
I dont know how much it controls breakage, but Im happy on softness...
I try many shampoos, conditioners & ayurvedic powders too
to keep my hair shining, soft n silky.
I think this is one of the best solution for that.
Most of the shampoos, although have label "with conditioner" may also require
additional usage of conditioner, but it was not case in Dove.
However I am in favour of Ayurvedic powders like Amla, Shikakai, etc,
I can not compare this shampoo with those as I feel that such herbs help our body
for long time...not chemical products like shampoos can do that.
Also I had not compared this product with those are very costly & come through chain marketing,
Some of them might be good, but they are costly...
Still Ill recommend to those who have faith in shampoos to go for dove...