The contribution of science plays a biggest role in our life, It makes our life easy and comfortable. but now a days we are facing many problems, Which are disadvantages of science like polluted water, changes in atmosphere, air pollution etc.
Now a days air pollution is the biggest problem in the urban areas. thats why I bought Dr. Aeroguard air purifier from online store, on 27/03/2016 with order no. 0345761. delivery was good by the online company. then I call Eureka Forbes for the demonstration but no any man is came for the demonstration. and no any warranty card is provided by the company as they says 1 year warranty.
Then I read all about the purifier from the booklet and watching videos on YouTube how to use it . and it gives only 50% efficiency. and after 2 months its efficiency decreases to 30%, I do clean filter properly in every 15 days, but efficiency not turn up it goes worse day by day and gives only 20% of efficiency and not able to clean the air, machine is showing red indicator high pollution in room.
Then I call Eureka Forbes helpline no. 39883333 and register for the complain and they give me complain no. 68233525, and they promise me, my complain is solved in next 48 hours, no engineer is send by them in next 4 days and I again call them they ask me to wait for 48 hours to solve the problem and Engineer appeared and he check every thing and he said now it work fine.
and After 2 week it start creating problem and efficiency is decreases continuously 40% to 20% to 10% and again I file complain against this issue and they said you have to replace HEAP filter and odor absorber. and I asked them about warranty they said no warranty against parts provided. I pay for that and after some weeks it continuously creates problems over and over, so I changed it by using different brand.