I too had a pretty bad experience with Agarwal Eye Hospital at eagle street. The doctor suggested that I have silicon implants immediately!!! They would cost me only 10000! (Only???)
Thereafter one of the doctors there was asked to counsel on having a laser treatment done. This guy gave a very exhaustive demo of how my retina was just waiting to pop out of my eyes!!! Needless to say, I was scared by the time I left the hospital.
On popular recommendation, I visited the Sankara Nethralaya the next day and was amazed at the difference in approach there. While agarwal hospital was trying to sell me all the latest developments, the doctor at SN just asked me to use some eye drops - and my problem was solved in less than a week.
Agarwal hospital is extremely commercial in its approach. They just dont care about the patient at all. I found the place very dirty and unhealthy as well.
BTW- my retinas are still in place. :)