Dear Friends, I would like to share a nightmarish situation, which I went through because of Dr Sunitha Agarwal. I had pain and blurring of vision in my right eye, when I met Dr Agarwal, she told me that I had lost 50% vision in my eye and need genetic therapy injections into the eye, each costing Rs 10000 and need 5 such injections, also she went on to say I would need silicon caps to seal off my Tear glands and I would have to use artificial tears here on. I was really stunned by all this as I’m only 28 years old.
The Dr insisted that she inject me that very day. I felt scared of loosing my eye and fled the clinic, in Langford town. When I went to another Dr the same evening, I was treated for a usual case of Conjunctivitis and now I am completely back to normal.
I can’t help but think of what would have happened to me if I had allowed Dr Sunitha Agarwal to touch my Eye. I could have even lost it forever.