I accompained my neighbour to Dr Batras clinic at Santacruz, in Mumbai. Their advertisments in the newspapers convinced her that she should pay a visit to Dr Batras clinic. She is suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis.
The appearance of the clinic is posh, five star interior decor. Pretty, well dressed girls welcome you with a smile. Coffee or tea is served. You are handed out a ISO questionnaire while you wait. Questions like how do you like the service? They have impressed you the best they can, so you answer positively to every question.
Then comes the meeting with the medical staff. All assurances that they can cure the incurable.
One year treatment money has to be paid upfront. Treatment isnt started until you pay for the full year. No part payment, no one-month payment. Have you met a doctor who charges you for ten visits on the first visit itself? No genuine or respectful doctor would do that. Treatment cost Rs. 6000/-
Next visit (After cash is paid): Welcome to Reality. No service, no smile, no coffee or tea is served. After waiting patiently, you ask when the doctor would meet you. The doctor you met on your last visit is transferred to another branch, so this time a new doctor would meet you. But it doesnt matter, no much investigation, doesnt seem like they know much about Rheumatoid Arthritis anyway. Same medication continued even if no improvement in the patients condition. You have already paid in thousands for the whole years treatment so might as well continue gobbling the small white pills.
Some months later my neighbor found no improvement in her condition. Sensibly she stopped worring about the money she paid to Dr Batra and visited a Rheumatologist. Now shes in good heath and is back to her everyday duties.
Moral of the story: Quacks promise to cure the incurable. Patients desperate for relief fall easy prey to advertisements and false promises. Appearances are deceptive. Never believe newspaper advertisements and advertised testimonies.