I have regularly writing about my experinces with dr batras clinic now let me tel you a latest finding. Recently I visited an Army Dermatologist who happens to be a friend of my father. He very clearly told me that Dr. Batras is creating a useless chaos and fear in mind of people. He has got some tie up with Times of India and creating a fuss over issues which are not that serious as he claims to be.
I am suffering from Psoriasis(Skin Problem) Which Dr batras tells that can cause to permanent arthritis and depression. And claims to cure it.
I talked to that Dr. in a military hospital and he said If you continue going to Dr batras it will certainly lead to depression as you will not be cured for a long time.And thats true as I have already taen the useless treatment for 5 yrs. So friends please not fall in trap of Dr batras and live your life comfortably.If there would have been cure to baldness why would most of the male doctors at the clininc been bald.
Please think 100 times before joining the clinic they will not listen any of your complains once you have joined them.