Batra is a con artist. if hes getting 99 -100% success, why does he need to spend money on advertising DAILY in newspapers, on tv etc. also, if hes getting 99% results, surely he can offer a money-back guarantee to those who dont get results? Fact is, batra would close overnight without advertising; and if they gave money back to failures, it would take generations of slave labor to pay back all those who have been conned.
And while all doctors and hospitals charge for the visit, he charges a package that your money is gone for good. tear your hair! The advertising is also rather nasty, and works on peoples negative feelings about themselves: Are you ashamed of those white spots? Are you fat and ugly? Want to grow hair on those bald patches and look younger?
This is hardly how a doctor is supposed to approach a patient. the other interesting thing is that these conditions are associated with no real risk - Not like a high fever or tonsillitis. Homoeopaths routinely treat such conditions...but not batra. But then, who said hes homoeopath. Hes just a businessman, making quick bucks by making people feel small about themselves.