It is proven beyond doubt that Dr.Batras are nothing but a bunch of sadistic freaks who ruin people of their hard earned money and in return give them nothing but a feeling of hopelessness and depression. So stay away. I was fortunate enough to run into mouthshut before I could spend a fortune on them. I was thinking of getting into their treatment program costing 7000 bucks and had payed 1000 in advance. As my luck would have it, I came across mouthshut and immediately discontinued the treatment.
People keep asking me about the effectiveness of a laser hair scan. Well, I have had one at Dr.Venkats in Bangalore. Turns out this is just another way of wasting away your money. I strongly advice you not to go for a hair scan. Hair scan will cost you around 1200 rupees. What they do is, they run a laser scan instrument through various portions of your hair and show a highly zoomed image of the same on the computer screen. It only shows the density of your hair.
They then tell you in which portion of the scalp you possess a good density of hair and which is the portion that is thinning. Just to find out this information, you dont need a 1200 rupee costing procedure. A simple mirror or another persons straightforward inspection is enough to find out the same. Hair scan is not going to tell u anything about the root cause of your hair loss or about the remedial measure that you need to follow. And after the hair scan, what does dr.venkat do? He prescribes some standard medicines and asks u to continue the medication for 2 months and then come back to him for a 2nd round of hairscan. This vicious cycle will never end.
The best remedy is - To be mentally strong and gracefully accept ur balding. Theres this amazing website you might want to check out - It recommends the best treatment for balding. Hahah!
Be strong guys. Balding doesnt take away your life..