Actually I m 22 yrs old...but have gone bald already..not completely but most of the front part..
I want to know if there is any chance that I can get back my hair..i was thinking of goin to dr.batras for treatment.
But after reading all the reviews I m really confused and depressed...dont I have any good doctor in the whole India who can give some cure for my problem....
pls understand my sentiments and suggest me a real good option..if u say I cant get back my hair..its ok... but dont play with my sentiments by making false advertisements.....
i have tried some homeo pills earlier..but of no effect..I tried mintop solutions. it was ok I guess.... finally I m into pls tell me the truth....
i have given the reviews and all jus for sake...
since I dont know anything abt dr.batras I m not commenting on it...
I have only read all the reviews till now...