I personally had good experience as a kid with homeopathy for my sinus. Since the doctor I went to is no longer around, I took my son to Batras for treating his severe seasonal and food allergies + asthma on my visit to India.
After taking the case history, the first thing we were asked was to pay for at least 2+yrs of treatment which I promptly did. I used to keep the doctor informed via email and get medicines from my friends and family or during my visits.
I blindly followed their regimen for 1.5yrs inspite of the situation not improving at all. He still had pneumonia, asthma attacks e.t.c and still relied on allopathic medicines for maintanence and emergency treatment. I finally stopped the treatment when Dr.Batras stopped responding to my emails. This is an establishment that is exploiting peoples suffering to earn money. They make false promises and live by experimenting on people, even if it is innocent kids. They are like vultures.