I had been to Dr. Batras clinic at Kolkata for treatment of psoriasis. It is a chic clinic with piped music, tea and coffee dispensers and very polite staff. However, one goes to a clinic for treatment of his or her ailments and not for just a good feeling. One can go to a lounge for that.
I do not know, whether they do give some medicines or just sugar pills as some say, for even after full one year of rigorously following their schedules and taking medicines exactly as prescribed, nothing of my psoriasis improved though I have just a couple of small patches on my fingers. It was odd that there was no diagnosis at all by the very young doctors and no advice on diet and lifestyle regulations which are a must with homeopathic treatment.
Yes, it is true that Dr. Batras are very keen on renewal of membership and that can be understood. The nationwide advertisements, the rents of prime locations cost money, a lot of money and what we ultimately end up paying is not for the treatment but for their advertisements and show offs.
I have felt perhaps it is better to avoid Dr. Batras in the absence of an independent monitoring body, that will find out exactly how many patients were really cured.
It is not that homeopathy doesnt work. I have come across people who have been effectively treated by homeopathy and that too at fraction of the cost of Dr. Batras. But we need to go to the right doctor. And sadly it is my experience that good homeopathic doctors are very rare to come by.