My grandfather a retired banker was unable to life his right shoulder, it was like it had dislocated or got frozen. We visited a ortho specialist who advised us to do an X- Ray and MRI scan to check for the problem, post the reported the doctor diagonised that my grandfather was suffering from frozen shoulder. The doctor recommended some medicines, physiotherapy and acupunture. We gave these treatment for more than 4 months but no development. My grandfather was totally frustrated from this situation as for last 70 years he could move freely but now his shoulder is totally frozen.
Also my grandfather has been suffering from diabetes and hypertension for last 15 years. He was also a smoker and had undergone a surgery for pacemaker replacement. It was during this time that my grandfathers friend suggested to try homeopathy and consult Dr. Batras as he was a patient of Dr. Batras earlier. So we decided to try for homeopatic treatment after trying allopathy for 8 months. At the Batras the Dr. Sachin diagonised the the disease as frozen shoulder and informed that homeopathy can cure the disease but will take around 12 months to cure.
After 7 months of the treatment my grandfather started feeling better and was able to move his shoulder, but still the movements were not very free moving. After around 10 months my grandfather was able to life his shoulder almost to the normal level, but still had to continue as the body need to become stronger. Now we no londer go to Dr. Batras and my grandfather is 74 yrs old can move his shoulder freely.