Well I am a regular at MS and refer MS to lot of my friends. Whatever I buy I do a google on that peoduct and the company and also check at Mouthshut website for the information, through I am not a very old member of MS community. I like to just highlight a case about my brothers son and how he got cured of Otitis Media inflammation of middle ear. I got to know about this just recently, and was amazed that my brother was for all praises for Dr. Batras, which is quite opposite to to what I have read about the clinic on MS. Let me just explain in brief on what happened.
My brothers son had cold and cough which were re-occuring, so consulted some specialists who refered prescribed some antibiotics. Further to the pain of cough, after some days their was a yellowish white discharge through his ear, which was frightening for my brother. They immediately consulted a doctor who advised for surgery. My brother was going to opt for the surgery, but my bhabi was opposing the surgery part. During this time my brothers friend suggested for homeopathy treatment and how it helps naturally to cure. During this time my brother had read about advertisments in newspapers from Dr. Batras. based on those advertisments they throught to consult a doctor at Dr. Batras. The doctor diagonised the child as suffering from chronic otitis media. The doctor told that it will take atleast a year to cure and the cost will go to Rs. 11, 000/-, through the amount was high, but my brother throught it was better to opt for this rather than go in for surgery.
The treatment started and my bhatija after 6 months started feeling better, the discharge also stopped and the swelling reduced. Further after 10 months the swelling cured, but we still had to follow the treatment as this disease might repeat. After a year my bhatija was completely cured.
I think Dr. Batras did a good job of curing my brothers son, through I also support other of his patients who have not benefited from them. I think taking into consideration the no of cases they solve their is 1% or 2% of the cases they fail to solve, but this doesnt mean that Dr. batras are bad.