I went through some of the revs on MS and could not realize but think as to why so many of them carry negative impression on Dr Batra’s clinic.
I am going to Batra Clinic for the last six months and will never go back to them after the year is completed like all those cribbing on Batra not because there is no result, but because of what they do to your psyche. Here are my reasons.
First experience will be a jolt.
Typically this is what will happen to everyone who visits Batra for the first time. The receptionist will be very courteous and take note of your requirement and will lead you into one of those O.P rooms for counseling.
Why do I need counseling?
Because they will tell you that Homeopathy is not like Allopathy and they need to understand at the root of the problem for which they need to know your complete history, family and background. You will be quite impressed the way they will talk to you caringly and spend with you 20-30 minutes. ( An act enacted by Movie Director Batra very well in all clinics)
Then they will give you a form to fill up and once you are done, then they will tell you that the treatment should be taken for 1-2 years and the patient care will be for all your health problems at a single door step.
Then what?
Can you please make a payment of 5600 Rs. We accept Credit Card and this is a special offer which is closing this week, else you have to pay Rs 6600/- per year. This includes all medicines for One Year.
This is what happens to everyone who goes to Batra for the first time thinking that you have to pay a consultation fee of may be Rs 300/- and you see yourself pulled into a whirl and you get so confused and obligated that you end up paying.
This is what I call sophisticated cheating in Air conditioned rooms by girls with big lipsticks and tongue twisting lingua fina and do mind twisting on you. Goondas doing arm twisting is far better
Form here on, you start thinking you have been taken for a ride.
What I did next was to insist on prescription and they told back that this is normally not done in Homeopathy and they cannot change the practice .Then I knew I had a trick up my sleeve and told them to refund the money if they cannot give correct prescription with Doctors remarks and I was not going to leave without that because there was no proof of treatment. To my surprise they obliged, but what medicines that were written were Greek and Latin to me. So I brought it back Home and checked some American websites on Homeopathy and found to my surprise that there was striking similarity in the medicine. I decided that having taken a plunge, swim for the year.
The so called Homeopathy with counseling of mind leads to Mindless Antipathy.
Hum Hai Na-Please wait.
Homeopathy treatment as known to everyone is a Long term treatment and takes its effect slowly over a period of time. This is what The Batras use to their advantage and keep you pegged on to their protocol by what I call STS (Slow therapy syndrome )
If you complain to them that the hair loss or dandruff has not been taken care of, they will promptly say, are you taking medicines properly. Pat comes the reply. Then they will tell you, Hum Hein Na, please wait.
Treatment –Minnows to the core
Normally we find Homeopathy consultants to be aged and experienced and they would have been in this profession for nearly 20 years. In the case of Batra, you find them to be young and quite pleasing, but inexperienced to the core and the moment you start bull dozing them back, they will go into depression and perhaps end up needing treatment for themselves.
What these minnows are being told to do is just go through the uniform protocol of medicines across the Country form the database and do some cajoling and sweet smiles to the patient to keep them happy.
Result –remains to be seen.
STS makes sure that you are never sure of whether you are cured because you feel like its happening, but you are not confident 100 %.In my case I have relief from sinusitic and allergic blasts of common cold ( I went through detailed web browsing on Homeopathy and sinusitis and found that there is significant research on remedial measures of Homeopathy)
But the question remains whether the symptomatic relief is being taken care of and whether all the garbage is getting accumulated deep down in the sinus for final assault remains to be seen.
If you are going to Batras for hair care, your money loss will be more than your hair loss.
I would suggest herbal and ayurvedic care for your Hair and Grandma’s remedies to be the best and time tested which young people forget.
Price for comfort
The waiting time is not much and you end up paying to the leach price for only comforts of a reception lounge in Hotels.
Why pay more. Pick up a good professional Homoeopathist near to your place and go by word of mouth rather than word of Brand (which will cost you five times more)
What is Apollo to Allopathy is Dr Batra to Homeopathy-legalised flinching.