I would like to repeat what most of the other guys have said here. Homeopathy is the biggest scam running in medical field.I really wonder how times of India allows a huge ad being published daily in delhi times (in the name of medical advice etc where that laughing photo of batra claims cure for virtually all diesease).
I think it is high time that someone put an end to this menace. How can anyone fool people for so long. I consider myself very smart and intelligent and still fell in their trap. Their doctors talk very politely and show huge concern for our problems but overall they cant help us as their system of medicine is nothing but a fluke.
And the worst thing is that you believe in them . you think they will be able to help you (by their sweet talk and the huge money they charge). They are not practicing correct system . how come they dont give details of medicines given . every doctor needs to tell the patient what medicines he is being prescribed, and he needs to give him a prescription .
They dont give this. Someone needs to drag them to court and make them prove their results. I am not bold enough to do so , but please some one do it.