Hi All,
I had seen an ad about 3 years back a ad informing that many hairloss treatment clincs are making fool of you. We are the only people who genuinely serve you.
Guess who had made this ad it was of Dr Batras ( I was might Impressed ) and at the same point of time they had told that free consutation would be done on the
First visit . Damm I fell for the trap .
My first visit to the batras clinic I met a doctor who informed me that I had some male baldness problem and that it is in the 4th stage if I do not start the
treatment it will detoriate she also informed me that if the treatment starts now my hairfall wont detoriate.
I took the bait , in the first year I was given some medicines which were are still continuing of some white colour.than my hair pics were taken I was very much impresed later
i was told what food to have and what not to have , my hairfall was continuing anywhich ways I continued as the so called DR had infromed me that it takes minimum of 3 years for the hairfall to stop
but atleast the hairfall should have reduced or they expect on the exact 3 year 1 st day my hairfall will become 0.
Than followed the second year wherein I was told that my hairfall had become stable I was amused as hairfall was continuing and I could see a patch of hairfall in the centre
Than one day my regular so called DR was not available I met some other DR for appointment in DR Batras who told me that your hairfall should have stopped as I was nearly completing the second year this took me by suprise as I could make out that each SOO called DR use their own piece of mind for the same case.
Till this time I had lost my cool . In my next visit my regular soo called DR informed that the previous DR was not aware of the case so she might have given the wrong opinion
it was even more frustrating .that when you are on leave you do not share the case with the DR who is going to attend the patient.again the same story continuies every 3
months my pics are taken than I am told that my hairfall is stable nothing to worry.
This time I could see the patch increasing in the centre of my head even my friends started noticing it . I went to the DR who was again on leave and one more DR to attended me
i made her understand that the hair fall is still continuing she told if possible I should take Protien shake as protien is good for the hair. She was not aware of the fact that
as I work out I already take Protien Shakes daily .
I informed my soo called regular DR about all this and made my concern clear to her and had a discussion for about 30 minutes and she had again some or the other reason .
i am made to feel that the patch on my head is some kind of magic which only I and my friends can see but not the so called DR of DR batras.
I have payed nearly 24 thousand Rs in the last 3 years with no result.
now a days I can see an new ad informing about hair Transplant at the clinic
First thay make you pay till you lose all your hair and at last they will guide for hair transplant which will clear all your bank accounts.
and last but not the least when you go for the treatment they will inform you to Give 5 refrences . ( Great first your bank ac is cleared than they are searching for 5 more people.
I would never recommend any one for DR Batras Clinic