My sister was undergoing treatment from Dr. Batra for last 2
years for some skin ailments. At the time of paying for this treatment the
people over there told me that this should get cured within 1 year. Her
condition was stable during the one year but towards the end the problem
recurred again. Upon enquiry the doctors there suggested another course of one
year to cure the disease completely. I was hopeful as symptoms were suppressed
for most of the time during the first year and hence agreed to pay for another
year. And guess what; the same story repeated once again. Now I realized that
they were not curing any disease but were simply suppressing the symptoms. When
I confronted the doctors they started throwing some jargons and suggested one
more year. By then I was really frustrated and asked them tell me how much time
will you need to cure it. Will you be able to cure it in one more year or you
will ask for another year after that. They didn’t have any answer for that.
They now said that we can’t say that. Then I realized that I was just throwing
away my hard earned money at their fancy clinics with no benefits at all.
Morale of the story. Don’t get impressed by their fancy clinic and jargon
throwing bunch of doctors(Well actually I don’t even know whether they are
doctors or a bunch of HR professionals who are trained to speak like doctors).
Dr. Batra is no different then those Khandaani Dawakhana that you can find in
any roadside corners.