My brother was suffering from endless soar throat. After trying out different treatments we decided to go to Batras Clinic at Chandigarh. In the first instance it looked to be a nice place, neat and clean and everyone courteous. When we were in the doctors cabin I was surprised that doctors were more interested in sell yearly plans rather than targeting the ailment. Anyway we didnt take up any plans but paid over 1000 Rs for medicines which no doubt were professionally packed.
Not much time after we were back with just little improvement. The doctors again tried to force plans. This time we fell into it. Over 6000Rs for one year.
After taking the plan the staff became less courteous and even less interested in patient. Now they gave the time when they wanted us to come rather than we asking for it. We had to wait a lot despite taking appointments.
In one of the visits I took my 2 yr daughter for a cold which had lasted about 15 days. Again they insisted on taking yearly plan. I argued that we expected a quick cure for this problem. Even then they packed up 1 month of medicine for Rs 1200/-
I was convinced that they are a group of businessmen and not doctors. I came out of the clinic which I knew was the last time.