i am a patient here in dr batras from last one yr.i am suffering from alopecia areata hair fall problem.when I first visited their clinic, i had loss of hairs from my beard area which after starting treatment from dr batras developed in scalp area.it was a rapid fall.i kept telling them that its getting serious but no improvement was there.
the carelessness and irresponsibility of doctors was such that the same doctor who in starting always opposed the allopathic treatment as it contained steroids, told me to start allopathic treatment side by side.i was really shocked.then I asked for the numbers of some of the patients who were treated by them successfully(as shown in their ads with two photos of now & then.).he gave me no. of a patient and I talked to him.he told me that he was not cured by dr batras treatment but sm other ayurvedic treatment.he gave me address of that one.i tried there and I dont know how, it worked.now when I told dr batras, they start taking credit and insisting me to continue the treatment for one more year.
i know that these ppl are not worth but say it a blind faith or not taking risk attitude I am going to have one more yr with them but ill strongly discourage everyone to even think about dr batra.seriously speaking they are just a business firm and not a clinic chain.