Dr. Batras Genuine Review
Though I never have criticized any one earlier in this forum nor do I think it proper because this website is open source for all of us, but I think the reviews by other members are trustworthy because I also feel cheated.
Dr. Batras Clinic is Khatras clinic. Khatra for money, Khatra for your patient, Khatra for your time and mental balance and what Khatra they are not? They are self centered and sheer money minded crowd out there in the name of Dr. Batras Clinic.
They almost pushed my young daughter suffering from migraine on the verge of a brain hemorrhage. I spent almost Rs. 7000 and they were hardly able to contain her headache. Every time I complained the reception staff but they blamed me and accused my daughter that we are not following diets and instructions.
The situation was worsened to the extent that once I had to rush to the medical college because she was crying that her head is paining as if going to explode. My wife said if the girl has to die why pushing her on to all the restrictions. So we stopped going there.
Now my daughter is happy. She regularly goes to gym and exercise well. She is fit now.
I WILL NEVER RECOMMEND ANYONE TO VISIT THEM because they run the clinic indirectly and most of their staff is expert in misbehaving the ailing patients. The moment you pay them the fee, which they invariably charge all in advance, they start doing nakhraas of all sorts.
I dont know what experiences others have, but what I felt is this that Dr. Batras clinic is perfect moneymaking machine without any human feelings or empathy.