I have come across several reviews on Dr Batras Clinic where the reviewers have not visited the clinic , written the revu based on other peoples views and experience and I could read between the lines that they had discontinued the treatment if they had already taken. So, being one of the patient of their Clinic I would like to share my experiences with everyone. It is not necessary that if it is a good or bad experience for you it will be the same for others. I visit their Clinic at Vashi, Navi Mumbai so I can vouch for it.
Since last seven months I am taking homeopathic medicines from Dr Batra’s Clinic for my Thyroid and Some calf (leg) problem. Earlier I had taken allopathic medicines for a year and a half and spent thousands of rupees but which was only waste of time, money and advancement of my ailment. Till now I have responded very well to the medicines from Dr Batra’s Clinic. The instructions for taking medicines should be followed properly, people take homeopathy medicines only as a last resort till then their ailments reach an advanced stage and homeopathy as well as Homeopathic Doctors gets all the blame.
As for hair treatment at Dr Batra’s , it involves use of laser. It is very effective. Regular intake of prescribed medicine is must for treatment of all ailments.The medicines arrests hairfall as much as I know, they don’t say that hair will grow over the bald head atleast they didn’t tell that to my husband. The major and general cause for hairfall is alopecia and baldness which is hereditary. Hard water , harsh shampoos and soaps are also to be blamed.
There is always a Senior doctor at Dr Batra’s Clinic and the Juniors consult the Seniors if the need arises . The Junior ones are also well trained. If you do not respond to medicines , the medicines are replaced. If you are not happy with your doctor you can change the doctor. Till now I never had any problems with them and hopefully won’t have in future also.
They treat not only hair and skin disorders but also other ailments namely respiratory , different allergies arthiritis and yes even weight management. No doctor can guarantee 100% treatment so always leave a little margin. (Be it Ayurved, Allopathy or Homeopathy.)
You can take prior appointment by calling their call center. The treatment is started after taking a thorough history which includes your likes/dislikes, food habits, life style, temperament etc..Then you are explained about your condition, duration and line of treatment in detail. Then a schedule (This too can be changed later to suit you, by rescheduling the through call center) of your appointment is prepared and you pay the required amount in advance. This is so you get discounts on yearly plans and also to ensure that the treatment is not stopped mid-way. The monthly, quarterly plans are also available(will update after rechecking) .
The time taken to dispense medicines depends upon the patient load, if there is a heavy rush you may have to bear a little. The seating place is also adequate for normal load of patient. (Can’t blame as the real estate is at premium in Mumbai/Navi Mumbai, Yeah speaking of one of the clinic in Navi Mumbai.) The staff is also very nice and answer your queries pleasantly.
It is necessary that people taking homeopathic treatment should have patience as the treatment process is a long one.
The update since march 2008 : My TSH level has come down from 6.32 to 5.2, which I think is considerable improvement. As for my leg problem, it will take time for improvement. I need to lose atleast 8 kgs as I am overweight. Reduction in my weight will help me a lot. I have Osteopenia, which has compounded my leg problem. As I am prone to Calculus, I have to limit my calcium intake. The pain from my calf has shifted to my knee, lack of adequate fluid between the joints has caused inflammation which gives rise to pain. The progress is definitely there and I am satisfied with it.
My son was taking medicine for Urticaria, he is fully cured, since last five months he has not got a single rash.