I had been suffering from multiple warts on my feet and finger tips and palms from last 2 years. The problem had taken toll on my personal and social life as I coundnt mopven in a friend circle. I had been mentally stressed and also nodoby shaked thier hands with me. I was feeling that I am untouchable. UI tried visiting various doctors and skin specilists for treatment. As a last resort I tried going in for a surgical laser removal on the warts. But then the warts againg started to grow. The warts didnt pain, through it was a stress on my mind psycologically.
I left meeting friends, and also I used to bunk lectures in college as I hated my collegues pointing finger at me. The stigma was unbearable. My father suggested to try for Homeopathy, coz he had read somewhere the homeopathy had cure for most of the diseases and it builds the body to fight on its own. Feeling dejected I thought of visiting Dr. Batras clinic. the environment made me feel good, but I had many questions, like can they cure what nobody has managed as yet? But still I had to trust, coz I had to try, their were no options left.
The doctor at Dr. Batras suggested to opt for yearly treatment, and also assured that the warts will be gone within 6 to 7 months, but after that will have to follow the treatment as they shouldnt reoccur.
Back home I went online to check feedback on Dr. Batras and found lot of -ve comments, I told my father about it, but he told me since I have used everything, lets give this a shot and see whether this works.
The treatment started and 8 months passed but a small improvement, I started questioning whether this treatment will work? but still followed. By the end of 11 month the warts ararted vanishing and by the end of the year the warts were vanised, also their were no marks. The doctor told me to follow this treatment for 2 more months and then they wont reoccur. I followed this part quite happily and after 14 months I was completely cured of warts.
I first thanks my father for pushing for this treatment and also my doctor who helped me get cured of warts. Now I go out with friends and also enjoy my social life. I have regain my lost confidence. Thanks to Dr. Batras their treatment really works