My mother has been undergoing treatment for Psoriasis from Batra for the past 1.5 yrs. Every time we take medicines Batra gives us verbal assurance that the treatment will work
I found that there is no improvement in having these medicines , so we went to batra for checkup every month & they changed the medicines every time, now the problems have got increased so much that my mother stopped using these medicines completely
Batra has been cheating us by giving wrong medicines, and there is no way we can find out what change they did in the medicines. We got treatment from Batra chennai, & now in batra Secunderabad, but the doctors cant diagnose the problem & they claim they can treat psoriasis now the psoriasis problem has increased so much that my mother cannot even walk batra is a total waste, I request all those who read this message not to go to Batra for any kind of treatment in the future as they are only cheats...