I had been takin treatment from this clinic for skin problem.. 1st day they took a long interview n asked me all sorts of stupid question which were not at all releated to the treatment. I almost felt like I was sittin in front of a pychatrist...
The doc examined the prob n told me that its jus a skin infection n also he asured me that it would get cured in 6 months... for 6 mnths they treated me wit sum medicine which I dont knw wat it was... it did not cure so I complained abt it to the doc (Dr. Apeksha) she then told me that she will ask another doc to handle my case but nothin as such happened.later I was told that actually its not afungal infection but its psoriasis...
Then they started treatin me on that... after 6 mnths ..yet no improvement... they kept tellin me that it will take time but surely it will get cured.... it was all fake... atlast when I decided to discontinue this treatment and went to another doc where he did proper test and gave me the reports.... n the reports clearly mentioned that it wasnt psoriais n nothin even close to it.... this shows that how people r being bluffed at this clinic... and I would like to advise all those who r planning to go to this place ... plz dont.. u can find proper Literate doc somewhere else...