Someone meets with an accident, needs surgery, will you take him to Dr.Batras clinic? Even if u did, all that those nut-case fake doctors will be able to do is to tell the patient to sit down, tell him that he is getting better, ask him how he feels about the pain, and give some useless little sugar pills.
No surgery. These guys are not doctors, they are the shame to the scientific community. They at least should have the responsibility to publicly claim that homeopathy is not science or medicine. Its just a belief that water has some memory of an ingredient added to it(one part in a trillion is very common), and is an effective medicine.
Two of my friends enrolled to this treatment. One for chronic nose block and other for hair loss. Both had to pay advance of 3 years in the first day itself. It was a staggering Rs.25, 000.
All they got was talks and more talks and the usual dose of sugar pills and some weird cream on the the head for hair-loss. UK is considering ban on this.
"It can do harm by diverting patients from conventional medical treatments." [ ] Be smart, dont indulge yourselves in imaginative, ineffective treatments.