Dr. Batras clinic - bombay"
Dr batra is a big fat liar - cheats his consumers ......goes against rules .......try in google & u will find some news by indian express - dr batras product does nt hv fda approval. Anyway if u have been cheated - pls file a complaint against them and get your 12, 000 they charge full year in advance money for filing and travel charges back- they conduct ilegal practise by making us sign the form which says " u agree to counselling given" - before giving it + they hv been told by court they cant charge 12 mnths fee in advance and hv non-refund clause - its against consumer rights - they make us sign even before we talk to dr. - they diagnosed u wrongly u can sue them - dr. Batras sounds so fake after hearing all this- no wonder he has to advertise as else no 1 recommends him- again ilegal as drs cannot advertise- i suppose.
Anyway - the dr there did nt even touch my hair and gave me medicines - what a fake dr! They use batras name but a patient is not allowed to talk to batra- calling mukesh batra a doc is an insult to doctors- he will run behind film stars to get his pic clicked but when it comes to meeting patient " sir does not meet patients" - of coz he wont ..as he is so fake patients will know ..what an idiot is batra - cheats his patient out of money by promises they dont keep ...find me 1 genuine case - bet u cant - such frauds man - lets all patient come to gether and file a law suit against this cheater - batra is just another munir khan !! - sue him
Ifmukesh batraisa good dr why is he so fat and bald himself ???? If he cant take take care of himself how will he take care of others ??? His other dr like a stupid short *itch dr tejal is also a bald doctor - why dont they take thier own medicine n products ??? Surely it does nt work on them either ......lols so fake they are
I nvr got cured - but i threatened to sue them - and they refunded my money - but pls others beware