He diagnosed with me Thoracic Outlet syndrome. It seems this diroder has no assured way of diagnosis. As said by somebody else he touches at the same points and tell us that we have trigger points everywhere. After this he will refer you for unending massage therapy sessions to even out the TPs. muscle ache tingling numbness were all the symptoms.
I used to go with muscle ache and then after the therapy there was some relief from ache but more ache from the therapy itself. but the main problem with tremor and numbness never got cured so far. wasted 200(consultation)+200(massage) thrice a week for a period of 10-15 months. Overall its a wasted effort. he never involves a nuerologist in the treatment process or nuerologial examinations. But he is not the only doctor to blame. Medical profession/fraternity in this is country itself has become a untrustworthy entity.