Worst hospital in terms of service , and the best hospital in terms of looting the patients. I had a horrible experience yesterday when one of my friend was admitted here after bike accident. His fingers on his left leg was badly injured. Initially one of the doctors suggested amputation for the finger and we were shocked to hear that. Later his senior came and adviced us that they will do a surgery and fix my friends legs. They prescribed all available tests which includes a CT Scan ( full body ) Xrays for head, chest legs and everywhere. They kept on saying that the surgery will happen in the evening, and then they made us agree to put our friend in ICU ( for a toe finger injury ).
What an irony? We were ok for all these till we found in the evening that the surgery wont happen on the same day but the next day. The only thing they did till then was applying some hydrogen peroxide and betadine oinment on the wound and dressed it with cotton. We all had a discussion and at the end of it, we decided that we save our friend from this horrible hospital. We asked for a discharge and alas, the bill amount is 19, 753 Rupees.
We almost cried. The bill had details about inspection by 4 doctors ( whop for a toe finger injury ) in ICU which were not aware at all. We settled the bill, and took him to pondichery JIPMER and surgery is completed by morning itself. Conclusion Kamakshi hospital S UCKS!