Myself and my wife have undergone some dental treatment(RCT, cleansing, filling and Wisdom Tooth Removal(1 person) for which we have paid Rs. 26000/- and unfortunately no receipts were given by the doctor as she promised to give at the end of complete treatment.
From the same night of RCT treatment my wife’s tooth started aching and she developed sensitivity to hot and cold drinks for which the doctor responded as it is usual after the treatment and gave her the cap for the treated tooth.
After a few days her tooth started aching and started bleeding the doctor realized there exists a slight fracture in the teeth. Now the doctor took the root canal fillings out and suggested to do a 2nd RCT which is again quoted as 3000/- for RTC and 5000/-for the cap.
Being disappointed with doctor’s treatment we decided to discontinue the treatments and asked for a case history and receipt for the payment. She is withholding the same and states the same cannot be given without completing the entire treatment.
Meanwhile, we consulted another dentist in Manipal Hospital and the Xray shows some broken tools used during the RCT done for my wife. We feel completely cheated by her. She is a misleading doctor who is only focusing on making money rather than treating patient cause.