Its a recent experience, just a week back at this hospial of repute.
Pls find enclosed the true copy of the letter Ive posted on to the hospitals mailing id. They are yet to respond.
This is to express my feeling of deep regret and an ugly experience of utilizing your hospital’s Casualty Service. I’ve been taken a back and carry a sour taste of being cheated.
To define my experience, it was on 4th of Nov, at around 11:30pm that my aunt met an accident at a coffee shop in Powai, lost her balance and fell on the service board. She had wounds on her forehead and one middle finger, which were bleeding heavily and needed some stitching. We rushed to the hospital immediately, though we were attended immediately the experience was lousy as the people worked at their own pace, there were nurses talking to each other in some regional language and the atmosphere was dull and low, doctors behavior was strange and uncanny as they were unnecessarily busy in making us understand all the unwanted scans and x-rays, without even counseling the patient, and it appeared like, they were focused to extract the maximum amount from our pocket. (a trade mark for a low grade hospitals). It took about two hours for them to spare some time for us an do up the stitching. (which could’ve easily finished off in 15-20 mins, it appeared that they wanted to make it late so that late charges can easily be levied)
Then came the big shock, I was handed over a bill of Rs.9321.00(voucher No.:BO/10/351952, Patient No.:MR/10/40672). In no ways we could digest the fact that for such a lousy service and sad attitude was topped up with such exorbitant billing.
Both me and my mom are registered patients to your hospital as we reside in Powai and carried a great opinion about this Hospital.
I think at the time of such Casualty, one needs to be more human and helpful rather than eying this as an opportunity to squeeze in the patient’s pocket. We feel it==’s a subject of shame== for Hospital with such a repute."